Paul Hendrickson, “Plagued by Fire: the dreams and furies of Frank Lloyd Wright”

Doors open at 6:00 p.m.

Bestselling author Paul Hendrickson presents an illuminating biography that will change the way we understand the life, mind, and work of America's premier architect–Frank Lloyd Wright. Wright has long been known as a rank egotist who held in contempt almost everything aside from his own genius. Harder to detect, but no less real, is a Wright who fully understood, and suffered from, his often alienating behavior. This is the Wright whom Hendrickson reveals in this masterful biography. In showing us Wright's facades along with their cracks, Hendrickson helps us form a fresh, deep, and more human understanding of the man behind the genius.

Books will be available for purchase at the event from Left Bank Books.

For more information, contact Jennifer McBride at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Event Properties

Event Date 11-12-2020 7:00 pm
Location St. Louis County Library Headquarters